Introductory Course
These classes welcome anyone who has an interest in these studies and an inquietude to discover their inner life and the mysteries of the ages.
The first three classes are open to everyone then we close the group for those who would like to continue the studies until the next series is started again. We have classes almost every night now so the opportunity to open new series more than once a year will become limited.
Here is the course layout for the lessons taught in the ”First Chamber” or foundational course. Each subject is a different evening. All the classes are combined with relaxation and meditation practices. Each class is built on top of the last so regular attendance is a must for the benefit of not only you but also the group and teacher. This course is required to be complete to participate in all further levels of study.
1. Introduction to Gnosis
2. The Four Ways
3. The Two Lines of Life
4. Need & Greed
5. Consciousness, Personality & the Animal Ego
6. The Human Machine & the Pluralized I
7. The Three Brains & How to Solve Problems
8. The Three Minds
9. The Universal Mind
10. The Spatial Sense & the Fourth Dimension
11. The Awakening of Consciousness
12. Learning How to Listen
13. Return, Recurrence & Reincarnation
14. The Laws of Karma & Dharma
15. The Mysteries of Life & Death, Pt1
16. The Mysteries of Life & Death, Pt2
17. Evolution, Involution, Revolution
18. The Seven Rounds & Seven Races
19. The Origin of the I
20. The Lunar Influence
21. The Hidden Face of our Psychological Moon
22. Universal Sound
23. The Seven Cosmos
24. The Tree of Life
25. The Study of the Solar Man
26. The Seven Types of Man
27. Psychic Development
28. Transformation of Impressions
29. Prana, Tattwas & Pranayama
30. Sexual Hydrogen SI-12
31. Astral Travel
32. The New Age of Aquarius
33. The Pancatattwa Ritual
We invite you to begin the path you were born for.
Join Us!
There is a recommended donation of $10 per class to cover costs though no one will be turned away due to financial hardship.